Visual Cognitive Neuroscience Lab

Welcome to Marius Peelen's Visual Cognitive Neuroscience lab  

The visual cognitive neuroscience group investigates the neural basis of interactions between visual perception and cognition, between seeing and thinking. We investigate how the brain extracts meaningful information from complex but structured scenes, how objects and scenes are represented in the visual cortex, and how visual cortex activity interfaces with cognitive functions such as memory and attention. We also investigate the various ways in which the visual cortex supports cognitive tasks without visual input, such as during visual imagery, working memory, and internally-directed attention. In ongoing work, we investigate how the brain combines seeing and visual thinking (imagery), how people differ in this ability, and why it can be difficult to rapidly switch between seeing and thinking, for example as a result of aging.

We are based at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Lab news: