Aldegheri G, Gayet S, Peelen MV (preprint). Changes in scene distance automatically drive scaling of object representations. PsyArXiv
Han Q, et al. (preprint). Knowledge of effort modulates visual memory biases for body postures. bioRxiv
Gandolfo M, Peelen MV (preprint). A body detection inversion effect revealed by a large scale inattentional blindness experiment. bioRxiv
Yeh LC, Gayet S, Kaiser D, Peelen MV (preprint). The neural time course of size constancy in natural scenes. bioRxiv
Quek GL, Theodorou A, Peelen MV (preprint). The timecourse of inter-object contextual facilitation. bioRxiv
Key publications (*equal contribution)
Peelen MV (to appear). The neural basis of visual search in scene context. Curr Dir Psychol Sci
Cortinovis D, Peelen MV, Bracci S (2025). Tool representations in human visual cortex. J Cogn Neurosci
Williams LH, Wiegand I, et al. (2025). Electrophysiological correlates of visual memory search. J Cogn Neurosci 37:63-85
Peelen MV (2024). Visual Cognitive Neuroscience. Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science
Lerebourg M, de Lange FP, Peelen MV (2024). Attentional guidance through object associations in visual cortex. Sci Adv 10:eado6226
Leticevscaia O, Brandman T, Peelen MV (2024). Scene context and attention independently facilitate MEG decoding of object category. Vis Res 224:108484
Peelen MV, Berlot E, de Lange FP (2024). Predictive processing of scenes and objects. Nat Rev Psych 3:13-26
Han Q, Gandolfo M, Peelen MV (2024). Prior knowledge biases the perception of body postures. iScience 27:109475
Yeh LC, Thorat S, Peelen MV (2024). Predicting cued and oddball visual search performance from neural representational similarity. J Neurosci 44:e1107232024
Hagen S, Zhao Y, Moonen L, Ulken N, Peelen MV (2024). What drives the automatic retrieval of real-world object size knowledge? J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform
Gayet S, Battistoni E, Thorat S, Peelen MV (2024). Searching near and far: the attentional template incorporates viewing distance. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 50:216-231
Shang L, Yeh LC, Zhao Y, Wiegand I, Peelen MV (2024). Category-based attention facilitates memory search. eNeuro 11(2)
Peelen MV, Downing PE (2023). Testing cognitive theories using multivariate pattern analysis of neuroimaging data. Nat Hum Behav 7:1430-1441
Aldegheri G, Gayet S, Peelen MV (2023). Scene context automatically drives predictions of object transformations. Cognition 238:105521
Brandman T, Peelen MV (2023). Objects sharpen scene representations: Evidence from MEG decoding. Cereb Cortex 33:9524-9531
Lerebourg M, de Lange FP, Peelen MV (2023). Expected distractor context biases the attentional template for target shapes. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 49:1236-1255
Gandolfo M, Nägele H, Peelen MV (2023). Predictive processing of scene layout depends on naturalistic depth of field. Psychol Sci 34:394-405
Yeh, LC, Peelen MV (2022). The time course of categorical and perceptual similarity effects in visual search. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 48:1069-1082
Thorat S, Peelen MV (2022). Body shape as a visual feature: evidence from spatially-global attentional modulation in human visual cortex. NeuroImage 255:119207
Gayet S, Peelen MV (2022). Preparatory attention incorporates contextual expectations. Curr Biol 32:687-692
Gao C, Shinkareva S, Peelen MV (2022). Affective valence of words differentially affects visual and auditory word recognition. J Exp Psychol Gen
Spaak E, Peelen MV*, de Lange FP* (2022). Scene context impairs perception of semantically congruent objects. Psychol Sci 33:299-313
Wischnewski M, Peelen MV (2021). Causal neural mechanisms of context-based object recognition. eLife 10:e69736
Willems RM*, Peelen MV* (2021). How context changes the neural basis of perception and language. iScience 24:102392
Wischnewski M, Peelen MV (2021). Causal evidence for a double dissociation between object- and scene-selective regions of visual cortex: A preregistered TMS replication study. J Neurosci 41:751-756
Stein T, Peelen MV (2021). Dissociating conscious and unconscious influences on visual detection effects. Nat Hum Behav 1-13
Quek GL, Peelen MV (2020). Contextual and spatial associations between objects interactively modulate visual processing. Cereb Cortex 30:6391-6404
Brandman T, Avancini C, Leticevscaia O, Peelen MV (2020). Auditory and semantic cues facilitate decoding of visual object category in MEG. Cereb Cortex 30:597-606
Battistoni E, Kaiser D, Hickey C, Peelen MV (2020). The time course of spatial attention during naturalistic visual search. Cortex 122:225-234
Thorat S, Proklova D, Peelen MV (2019). The nature of the animacy organization in human ventral temporal cortex. eLife 8:e47142
Kaiser D, Quek GL, Cichy RM, Peelen MV (2019). Object vision in a structured world. Trends Cogn Sci 23:672-685
Gayet S, Peelen MV (2019). Scenes modulate object processing before interacting with memory templates. Psychol Sci 30:1497-1509
Proklova D, Kaiser D, Peelen MV (2019). MEG sensor patterns reflect perceptual but not categorical similarity of animate and inanimate objects. NeuroImage 193:167-177
Brandman T, Peelen MV (2019). Signposts in the fog: Objects facilitate scene representations in left scene-selective cortex. J Cogn Neurosci 31:390-400
Stein T, Awad D, Gayet S, Peelen MV (2018). Unconscious processing of facial dominance: The role of low-level factors in access to awareness. J Exp Psychol Gen 147:e1-e13
Bracci S, Caramazza A, Peelen MV (2018). View-invariant representation of hand postures in the human lateral occipitotemporal cortex. NeuroImage 181:446-452
Kaiser D, Peelen MV (2018). Transformation from independent to integrative coding of multi-object arrangements in human visual cortex. NeuroImage 169:334-341
Peelen MV, Downing PE (2017). Category selectivity in human visual cortex: beyond visual object recognition. Neuropsychologia 105:177-183
Hickey C, Peelen MV (2017). Reward selectively modulates the lingering neural representation of recently attended objects in natural scenes. J Neurosci 37:7297-7304
Brandman T, Peelen MV (2017). Interaction between scene and object processing revealed by human fMRI and MEG decoding. J Neurosci 37:7700-7710
Battistoni E, Stein T, Peelen MV (2017). Preparatory attention in visual cortex. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1396:92-107
Stein T, Peelen MV (2017). Object detection in natural scenes: independent effects of spatial and category-based attention. Atten Percept Psychophys 79:738-752
Kaiser D, Oosterhof NN, Peelen MV (2016). The neural dynamics of attentional selection in natural scenes. J Neurosci 36:10522-10528
Proklova D, Kaiser D, Peelen MV (2016). Disentangling representations of object shape and object category in human visual cortex: the animate-inanimate distinction. J Cogn Neurosci 28:680-692
Stein T, Peelen MV (2015). Content-specific expectations enhance stimulus detectability by increasing perceptual sensitivity. J Exp Psychol Gen 144:1089-1104
Hickey C, Peelen MV (2015). Neural mechanisms of incentive salience in naturalistic human vision. Neuron 85: 512-518
Bracci S, Caramazza A, Peelen MV (2015). Representational similarity of body parts in human occipitotemporal cortex. J Neurosci 35:12977-12985
Hickey C, Kaiser D, Peelen MV (2015). Reward guides attention to object categories in real-world scenes. J Exp Psychol Gen 144:264-273
Kaiser D, Stein T, Peelen MV (2014). Object grouping based on real-world regularities facilitates perception by reducing competitive interactions in visual cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111:11217-11222
Vangeneugden J*, Peelen MV*, Tadin D, Battelli L (2014). Distinct neural mechanisms for body form and body motion discriminations. J Neurosci 34:574-585
Peelen MV, Kastner S (2014). Attention in the real world: Toward understanding its neural basis. Trends Cogn Sci 18:242-250
Peelen MV, He C, Han Z, Caramazza A, Bi Y (2014). Nonvisual and visual object shape representations in occipitotemporal cortex: evidence from congenitally blind and sighted adults. J Neurosci 34:163-171
Bracci S, Peelen MV (2013). Body and object effectors: the organization of object representations in high-level visual cortex reflects body-object interactions. J Neurosci 33:18247-18258
Peelen MV, Bracci S, Lu X, He C, Caramazza A, Bi Y (2013). Tool selectivity in left occipitotemporal cortex develops without vision. J Cogn Neurosci 25:1225-1234
Peelen MV, Caramazza A (2012). Conceptual object representations in human anterior temporal cortex. J Neurosci 32:15728-15736
Seidl KN*, Peelen MV*, Kastner S (2012). Neural evidence for distractor suppression during visual search in real-world scenes. J Neurosci 32:11812-11819
Stein T, Sterzer P, Peelen MV (2012). Privileged detection of conspecifics: evidence from inversion effects during continuous flash suppression. Cognition 125:64-79
Bracci S, Cavina-Pratesi C, Ietswaart M, Caramazza A, Peelen MV (2012). Closely overlapping responses to tools and hands in left lateral occipitotemporal cortex. J Neurophysiol 107:1443-1456
Peelen MV, Kastner S (2011). A neural basis for real-world visual search in human occipitotemporal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108:12125-12130
Peelen MV, Atkinson AP, Vuilleumier P (2010). Supramodal representations of perceived emotions in the human brain. J Neurosci 30:10127-10134
Peelen MV, Glaser B, Vuilleumier P, Eliez S (2009). Differential development of selectivity for faces and bodies in the fusiform gyrus. Dev Sci 12:F16-25
Peelen MV, Fei-Fei L, Kastner S (2009). Neural mechanisms of rapid natural scene categorization in human visual cortex. Nature 460:94-97
Peelen MV, Downing PE (2007). The neural basis of visual body perception. Nat Rev Neurosci 8:636-648
Downing PE, Wiggett AJ, Peelen MV (2007). fMRI investigation of overlapping lateral occipitotemporal activations using multi-voxel pattern analysis. J Neurosci 27:226-233
Peelen MV, Downing PE (2007). Using multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data to interpret overlapping functional activations. Trends Cogn Sci 11:4-5
Peelen MV, Wiggett AJ, Downing PE (2006). Patterns of fMRI activity dissociate overlapping functional brain areas that respond to biological motion. Neuron 49:815-822
Peelen MV, Downing PE (2005). Selectivity for the human body in the fusiform gyrus. J Neurophysiol 93:603-608